Lesson 13

In this lesson, students are introduced to a vocal warm-up technique called “buzzing,” that forces the students to use their diaphragm to move air fast enough to vibrate the singer’s lips as they are held together. Starting on “A3” on a piano, students are taken through a 5ths interval exercise that ascends chromatically five ½ steps and back down while buzzing. A second warm-up exercise also starting on “A3” is introduced and involves buzzing, but moves up the first three diatonic notes of a major scale, ascending and descending chromatically five ½ steps. The first warm-up exercise and second warm-up exercise are redone substituting “Meow” instead of buzzing to begin exposing the vocal cords. The lesson concludes with encouraging students to complete their vocal warm-up exercises prior to singing.

Snare Introduction


Bass Drum Introduction


Cymbal Introduction


Holding The Stick


Please submit a video playing these exercises.


Young Musicians Unite is currently facilitating Virtual Music Programing in 25 schools across Miami-Dade County.