Lesson 2

In this lesson, students are introduced to the symbolic representation, rhythmic counting, and performance practice of eighth note triplets. An emphasis on maintaining proper single stroke technique is stressed as the triplets alternate between starting on different hands. A review of accents is covered, and accents are incorporated into the triplets on the downbeats to aid in reinforcing single stroke technique and alternating starting hands. Students are then guided through a few exercises that combine eighth note triplets with accents and quarter notes, then the accent is alternated onto the 2nd and 3rd eighth note of the triplet groups for a greater challenge. The lesson concludes by encouraging students to continue working on the discussed exercises for mastery level.

Snare Introduction


Bass Drum Introduction


Cymbal Introduction


Holding The Stick


Please submit a video playing these exercises.


Young Musicians Unite is currently facilitating Virtual Music Programing in 25 schools across Miami-Dade County.