Modern Band Lesson 10

Introduction to Guitar, Bass, and Piano


In this lesson, students continue reinforcing letter names on the Treble Clef Staff with the introduction of A, B and C on the 5th string of the guitar. An association is made between the visual representation of the three notes on a staff and its corresponding finger/fret placement on the fifth string and its pitch. An introductory accompanying exercise in PDF format addresses the notes in alphabet order up and down, then challenges students by scrambling the order of the three notes while maintaining a steady quarter note rhythm. In addition, an occasional half note or whole note interrupts the stream of quarter notes to keep students engaged in interpreting rhythmic notation.


Introduction to Reading Music


Note Values


Chromatic Scale on the First String


In this lesson, students are walked through the bass part of “Billie Jean,” which the notation for the song is included in a PDF file. Students will be introduced to F#, C#, and G#, and will execute the bass line through interpreting bass clef notation. In addition to students reviewing rhythmic concepts of whole notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, ties, and syncopation, students will be introduced to ‘staccato’ and ‘accent’ articulation markings and performance techniques, as well as be required to shift into 2nd position and 3rd position.


Reading: Notes on the Fourth String

Download sheet music:


In this lesson, students are introduced to the importance of warming-up correctly, and are exposed to some simple exercises that focus on finger independence and dexterity while the hands are relaxed in a comfortable position on the piano. Students are encouraged to practice slowly to resist any tension in the hands, then gradually get faster over time as strength, flexibility, independence, and dexterity improve.


Intro to Piano: Learning the Notes and Keys



Submit a video playing the Chromatic scale on the first string.



Submit a video playing the Exercise on the fourth string.



Submit a video playing the 7 white notes on the piano.


Young Musicians Unite is currently facilitating Virtual Music Programing in 25 schools across Miami-Dade County.