Modern Band Lesson 9

Introduction to Guitar, Bass, and Piano


In this lesson, students are taught the rhythm guitar accompaniment to “Muevete,” which only uses two chords - an Amin chord and an E7 chord, both which are reviewed in detail. The notation for the song is included in a PDF file. Rhythmic concepts of quarter notes and quarter rests, eighth notes, and ties are reviewed and utilized though interpretation of notation, as well as the occurrence of 1st and 2nd endings, and strumming patterns are introduced to keep a consistent approach and performance to the accompaniment.


Introduction to Reading Music


Note Values


Chromatic Scale on the First String


In this lesson, students are walked through each notation line of “Ain’t No Sunshine,” which the notation for the song is included in a PDF file, and uses the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th strings of the bass guitar. Students will review quarter note, half note and whole note rhythms while executing bass clef notation of pitches.


Reading: Notes on the Fourth String

Download sheet music:


In this lesson, students are guided through the notes and rhythms required to play “Ain’t No Sunshine.”  Each hand’s tasks are separated in instruction, and students will review pitch notation letter names on a grand staff.  Rhythmic concepts utilized include half notes, half rests, quarter notes and quarter rests.  Students will be required to play three-note moving chords in the right hand while synchronously executing a single-note left hand line beneath.


Intro to Piano: Learning the Notes and Keys



Submit a video playing the Chromatic scale on the first string.



Submit a video playing the Exercise on the fourth string.



Submit a video playing the 7 white notes on the piano.


Young Musicians Unite is currently facilitating Virtual Music Programing in 25 schools across Miami-Dade County.